Your Message

    Having a great message for this squeeze or landing page will surely help people make the decision to buy this book and get the help they need and deserve. Please feel free to use the book images and banners

    Here are the other features of the CSS file. Quite simply - when you wish to use different fonts and text you only need to start a new paragraph or use a new span within the sentence.

Click Here to go back to the Storage Auction Affiliates page.

Click here to download this landing page design
(This file includes a header image, footer image,
body image, background image and CSS file)

    So while you are writing your fresh new copy for your squeeze or landing page for our product, "The Best Storage Auction Manual", you can utilize the CSS file we have built for you. The CSS file is called "storagestyle.css" and is located in the zip file.

To create great text you'll simply start a new paragraph <p add a text style class="" and close with a >. When you have finished entering your text you'll simply close the paragraph with: </p>

Here are the following codes for the different font types and styles.

Font Code & Examples:

<p class="h1">
This is the TITLE code to exhibit the first line

<p class="h2">
This is the SUBTITLE class code you'll use for the second line

<p class="h3">
This is another font class style usually used to heighten awareness

<p class="h4">
This is another font class style

<p class="h5">
This is another font class style

<p class="bodytext">
This is the plain text class you'll use when describing the product

<p class="testimonial">
This is the plain text class you'll use when describing the product

<p class="disclaimer">
This is the ClickBank DISCLAIMER class text you'll use to describe your affiliate with this ClickBank product. If it is not used here then it should be used in a Terms or Privacy Page

Please keep in mind that none of the images are allowed to be altered in any way. Please do not violate the copyright. We do scan the 'net using an image locator and if found you will be in direct violation of our copyright. Your use of our images constitutes that you agree and acknowledge to not violate our copyright on images and text and to use sound legal judgment when describing or promoting our product(s). You also acknowledge and agree to abide by the CANSPAM act by not spamming an email list whether yours or not.

TESTIMONIALS: This product only has 1 testimonial and it is being used on the main lander. You have no authority to use that testimonial. I urge you to read the new rules about testimonials with online advertising. We do not encourage or allow false testimonials or those testimonials that go against the new ruling.

Yes, we know there are quite a few rules to follow - but this will make for a great product. We urge you to post where you can and get the word out to make some stellar sales while helping those in need. If you should need any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Cheers and Good Luck with your sales

Lorenzo Lee

Your ClickBank Disclaimer Should go here